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  • Using hypnosis and emotional intelligence for business success

    In the realm of entrepreneurial pursuits, the intersection of emotional intelligence and subconscious beliefs often holds the key to unlocking unprecedented success. As Stepanka, an intuitive clinical hypnotherapist and mindset coach for female entrepreneurs, eloquently elucidates in her podcast dialogue, understanding and addressing these underlying factors are paramount. Stepanka's expertise lies not only in clinical hypnosis but also in a myriad of modalities such as emotional freedom technique (EFT), Reiki healing, breathwork, and coaching. Her journey into hypnosis commenced at a tender age, driven by personal health challenges that traditional medical avenues failed to resolve. Through her holistic approach, she has cultivated an acute ability to identify individuals' blind spots, guiding them towards overcoming upper limit problems and tapping into their latent potential. Entrepreneurial success, as Stepanka discerns, often hinges on emotional resilience and intelligence. Many ambitious individuals find themselves exerting immense effort without commensurate results, prompting introspection into the subconscious barriers that impede progress. These barriers, rooted in deep-seated beliefs and emotional blocks, necessitate acknowledgment and transformation. As Stepanka aptly notes, it's not merely about exerting effort but also about aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious aspirations. This synthesis forms the cornerstone of her work: empowering entrepreneurs to transcend self-imposed limitations and actualize their aspirations. In this blog, we delve into the profound implications of leveraging hypnosis and emotional intelligence for business success. Through an exploration of Stepanka's insights and additional research, we illuminate practical strategies for entrepreneurs to navigate the intricacies of their emotional landscapes and harness the transformative power of their subconscious minds. By embarking on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, entrepreneurs can pave the way for unprecedented growth and fulfillment in both their personal and professional endeavors. How Entrepreneurs can effectively process and manage their emotions Stepanka's journey into working with entrepreneurs and fellow practitioners unfolded organically, stemming from her initial focus on helping individuals with anxiety and feelings of overwhelm. She noticed a recurring trend among her clients, with a significant portion being entrepreneurs, hypnotherapists, coaches, and small business owners. This realization prompted her to tailor her approach to meet their unique needs, particularly in addressing the patterns of self-sabotage and bridging the gap between their current state and desired outcomes through subconscious reprogramming. Through a blend of intuition and attentive listening, Stepanka customizes her process for each client, sometimes initiating hypnosis immediately and other times beginning with emotional release techniques like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). This intuitive approach allows her to guide clients through a transformative journey, whether through coaching, hypnosis, or EFT, tailored to their individual needs and goals. EFT, in particular, has been a longstanding tool in Stepanka's arsenal, proving invaluable not only in her personal journey but also in facilitating breakthroughs for her clients, even in realms beyond their conscious awareness, such as addressing deep-seated money mindset issues. Her integration of various modalities, honed over years of practice, underscores the depth of her commitment to supporting others in their personal and professional growth journeys. How entrepreneurs can tap into their intuition to make better business decisions Entrepreneurs, by nature, often possess an inherent intuition that drives their ambitions and visions. Stepanka, in her work with entrepreneurs and practitioners, observes this intuitive inclination as a prevailing trait among her clientele. She acknowledges that while intuition is inherent in all individuals, not everyone actively utilizes it. Entrepreneurs, however, particularly resonate with the concept of intuition, as it aligns with their propensity for grand visions and daring pursuits. Despite facing discouragement or skepticism from others, entrepreneurs thrive on thinking big, recognizing that ambitious goals fuel their motivation, even during challenging times. Stepanka's clients, predominantly intuitive and open-minded individuals, gravitate towards her holistic approach, acknowledging the significance of mindset, energy, and intuition in their entrepreneurial endeavors. In the entrepreneurial journey, intuition often plays a pivotal role, guiding individuals towards innovative ideas and opportunities. Stepanka elucidates on the concept of intuitive downloads, where entrepreneurs receive profound insights or ideas that resonate deeply with them. These intuitive sparks, she believes, are not random occurrences but rather manifestations of a collective energetic demand. Entrepreneurs, chosen by these ideas, possess the necessary attributes to bring them to fruition. Stepanka emphasizes the importance of trusting these intuitive nudges, even in the face of doubt or uncertainty. She highlights the synchronicity between intuition and manifestation, underscoring how listening to one's immediate gut instincts can lead to remarkable outcomes. In the realm of entrepreneurship, where risks are inherent, nurturing and trusting intuition becomes a cornerstone of success, driving individuals towards their desired goals with unwavering belief and clarity of purpose. Strategies to overcome limiting beliefs and subconscious programming Stepanka's insightful observation delves into a fundamental aspect often overlooked in the pursuit of business success: the role of beliefs and subconscious programming. Contrary to popular belief, she suggests that the solution to business challenges may not always lie in implementing new strategies or marketing tactics. Instead, she asserts that addressing deeply ingrained beliefs and subconscious programs is paramount. These underlying factors, which influence emotional intelligence and resilience, often warrant greater attention. In essence, Stepanka underscores the need for entrepreneurs to delve into their inner workings and confront the subconscious barriers that may be hindering their progress. Entrepreneurs frequently encounter hurdles that defy conventional solutions, leading them to reassess their approach to success. Stepanka's perspective illuminates a crucial aspect of this journey, emphasizing the significance of introspection and emotional resilience. While external factors such as business strategies and marketing maneuvers are undoubtedly important, she posits that true breakthroughs often stem from a deeper understanding of one's beliefs and emotional intelligence. By shining a spotlight on these internal dynamics, entrepreneurs can cultivate a mindset conducive to overcoming challenges and achieving sustainable growth. Stepanka's insights serve as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness between mindset, emotional intelligence, and business success, urging entrepreneurs to prioritize inner transformation alongside external strategies. Conclusion In conclusion, Stepanka's insights into the intersection of hypnosis, emotional intelligence, and entrepreneurship offer a compelling narrative for aspiring business leaders. Through her nuanced understanding of subconscious beliefs and emotional resilience, she highlights the importance of inner transformation in achieving sustainable success. As entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of business, Stepanka's approach serves as a beacon, guiding them towards a deeper introspection and alignment with their intuitive wisdom. To delve further into Stepanka's teachings and engage with her transformative work, individuals can connect with her through various platforms. Her website, serves as a comprehensive hub for accessing her services and resources. Additionally, on social media platforms like Instagram (@NewEarthWoman) and Facebook (New Earth Women community), Stepanka cultivates a supportive community where members can glean insights, participate in live sessions, and access exclusive content. For those inspired by her podcast episode and seeking guidance on hypnosis or related topics, Stepanka welcomes direct messages and inquiries, providing personalized assistance and support. In embracing Stepanka's holistic approach, entrepreneurs embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, transcending conventional paradigms to unlock their true potential. With a blend of intuition, emotional intelligence, and strategic acumen, they forge a path towards business success grounded in authenticity and purpose. As they integrate Stepanka's teachings into their entrepreneurial endeavors, they not only elevate their own growth but also contribute to the collective evolution of conscious business practices. Listen to the full episode on Apple or Spotify Ready to join a community of like-minded practitioners diving into all things business and marketing? Join The Profitable Practitioner Private FB Community. Grab my freebies: The Ultimate Course Creation Guide Entrepreneur Archetype Quiz Follow us on IG:

  • Astrological Business Forecast for 12/21/23 - 3/19/24 with Joann Stoneberg from As The Planets Turn

    Astrology Forecast for January 2024 Mercury is retrograde right now and it is, in the sign of Capricorn now. Mercury is all about communication, how we think, what we're thinking. Capricorn is all about moving a little slower, it's an Earth sign. Capricorn is all about business. So Mercury and Capricorn itself, without being retrograde, is great for focus. You can get those projects done and good for focus. It has gone retrograde in Capricorn, like I said. So that might be like "Ohh, I've got to get all these projects done. I gotta redo this. I don't like the details on that." So you may find yourself sort of backpedaling a little bit with not being a hundred percent comfortable with what projects you have been working on or maybe going back to redoing things. Retrogrades are all about re-words, redoing, relooking at things, reviewing, and going over all our notes of what we may be preparing for the New Year. During this retrograde period, mercury does go back into Sagittarius here a little bit on December twenty third so Sagittarius is a fire sign it's the mind might start going and there might be a bit of panic or chaos especially as Christmas is right around the corner. So Mercury does go direct on January 1 In Sagittarius, Venus and Mars are also in Sagittarius at the beginning of the year as well. So Venus is our self-worth, our values, Mars is our drive, our motivation, and in Sagittarius it is all about our philosophies and our belief systems and how we want to tackle things. So at the beginning of the year, you know, in regards to your business, you may have all these thoughts and aspirations and goals as, as we often do at the beginning of January, you know, we set those intentions of what we want to accomplish. You set all these intentions at the beginning of the year and they always end up petering out, right? And that may very well happen because as we go into January, all those three planets there, Mercury, Venus, and Mars, will start moving into the sign of Capricorn and Capricorn again will slow things down because it's coming from a fire sign. All this motivation, this drive, and the Capricorn is like, all right, we're hitting slow, slow motion here again, right? Where's the focus? How come things are slowing down a little bit? So your motivation for the intentions you set in the new year might slow down. This is why people sort of peter out after two weeks. Because we're actually in a hibernation period right now, right? We're in the dark of the night, we're in the dark of winter. So typically we really shouldn't set our intentions until spring when we have that energy, when all of a sudden everything picks up and we feel good. When you wake up in March at the spring equinox on March twenty-first. The sun goes into Aries, it's the zero degrees of Aries, it's the starting point of the zodiac sign. So the spring equinox is actually when the new year starts in astrology. Your resolutions for the new year should actually start on March twenty-first rather than January 1. So continuing on, over the last few months a lot of the planets have been in retrograde motion and they're starting to turn around. In December, we still have Jupiter, which is the big planet out there. Jupiter is all about our belief systems, our philosophies, and our adventures. And it's still retrograde until December thirty-first and it's in the sign of Taurus. Even though Jupiter is fire energy and Taurus is a slower energy, it's going to expand anything in our world materially that we may focus on. Jupiter is very neutral when it comes to expanding or contracting things in your world. It will expand whatever it is you're focusing on good, bad, or ugly, whatever it is, they're gonna expand it. So it's always about your mindset and changing your mindset around things. So as we move more into January, Mars, Mercury and Venus all eventually move into Capricorn. So that helps us to have more focus. Capricorn is the sign of business. The Sun is also in Capricorn still at that point. So it is a really, good time to still focus on those business goals. Anything that you've been working on, start putting it into practice that month and setting the tone for the rest of the year. So it can be a really good start to the year and Jupiter in Taurus as well, also gives us this. Taurus is all about being practical and logical, getting real. You know, everything that we've dreamed of or want to manifest, we can Maybe make it a little easier to manifest that reality in January. So be patient with yourselves and just plug along. With earth signs, it's like 1 foot in front of the other, taking your time. In January, we will have one planet left that is retrograde, which is Uranus. It is also in Taurus as well. So Uranus has been there for seven years already. And it's still there for another year and a half or so. Uranus moves very slowly. It takes eighty-four years to go through all of the zodiac signs but Uranus is the planet that comes along and it will help you to transform things. It's the planet that likes to shake things up. Sometimes it creates havoc, but it likes to come along and break the norm of things. It likes to help you liberate from whatever you're stuck. So if you're still feeling like you're stuck in a rut, Uranus going in a forward direct motion by the end of January should help ease that a little bit. Then on January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius. Aquarius is again all about that electric energy. Being unique, being individual. How can I be different from the norm? You know, when we're in a business, there's usually a lot of people that are in the same industry and it's like, how can I stand out and be different from everybody else? So the sun going into Aquarius on January 20, a week before Uranus goes direct, is helping us to come up with those ideas, to be innovative and be creative, to be ourselves, right, to stand out. January 20 is a big day here. There is a lot about the planet Pluto right now, which is all about transformation. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 and as Pluto has been transitioning through Capricorn, it has been transforming everything about our structures in our world. As you have seen over the last two decades, it's transformed how we do business, how we communicate, how we travel, how we purchase things, all of our industries, our banking, our hospitals, our schools our education, everything. Pluto's come along and turned that all on its head and now as Pluto makes its transition into Aquarius it's very multi-layered. Pluto going into Aquarius, we're already seeing it is the technology, the technology out there is just off the charts. Everything's technology, right? Everybody's on Zoom, everybody's using electronic everything, right? How we live is changing. And this is what Pluto is coming along to change. How are we living, how are we operating, and how are we dealing with our technology? So we're probably going to see more changes in the technological world. So there is gonna be a lot of changes coming up with that through the years with Pluto in Aquarius for the next 20 years. So business owners, if you're thinking like you're going to be doing it old school, you must well close shop up now because it's not going to happen. Either get on the bandwagon and get up with the technology or be infinitely wealthy and not bother with it. Just recapping January a little bit. In the 1st part of January, you may feel very like let's go, let's go. And then things are gonna shift and maybe slow down a little bit. January may feel more go-with-the-flow, right? But as we start going into the end of January and into February, things might start getting a little tricky for you. So in January, still put in the work, still put in the time, and still stay focused on what you're doing. Yes, look at all the opportunities. And then going into February and March, even though all the planets now in February and March will be in a direct forward motion, which allows a lot more ease and grace in a lot of ways, you know, we feel like all right, let's go. Yet the planetary alignments during that period also give us that motivation. There may be challenges as well. So this is where there are a lot of people out there who are all about mindset, mindset, mindset, especially in business. If you have the mindset that oh whoa was me, nothing's working, that vibe you're putting out is going to come back. So it's putting out the vibe of yeah, this is going good, but it's not only thinking it, it's feeling it as well. So it's still focusing on self. This is why taking the period now with Uranus being retrograde, what is it you as a person in your own business, in your world need? So in January, we have a new moon in Capricorn on January 11. So putting out those intentions as to what you want to have for practical, logical, and how you want to set things up for yourself in your world and your expectations that you want of yourself, but also being easier on yourself and realistic. Capricorn is all about being realistic, logical and practical. Earth energy. Then the full moon at the end of the month, January twenty-fifth, will be in Leo. Leo is that fun playful energy so yeah you might want to take that time to go and play and have fun. It is a very exciting energy and it's also a risk-taking energy as well, so watch the risk-taking during that period. Astrology Forecast for February 2024 So as we head into February, Mercury goes into Aquarius. Mercury goes into Aquarius. Mercury, Venus and Mars, they kind of follow each other a little bit. They all transition into Aquarius during February. Mercury the 1st week of February. Venus towards the middle of February, as well as Mars towards the middle of February. So Aquarius, again, is that eclectic individual energy. How do I want to serve humanity as well? How do I want to Do I want to work individually? Do I want to work with the collective? Aquarius is both individuality and working with the collective or working with groups. That is our motivation. Where do I want to? Where do I want to fit in? Where do? What's my desire, right? In working groups or individuality, or in your own individual self and Venus again is what do I value in my friendships? How do I value my friendships? How do I value my friendship and relationship with myself? As Mercury and Venus go into Aquarius. That could be a little more of exciting energy. So that Mercury in Aquarius energy in February brings a little bit more ideas and things moving a little faster and it's like all of a sudden there's not enough time in the day to get things done. The new moon in Aquarius is on February 9. The new moon in Aquarius is setting your intention going forward, where do I want to socialize? Where do I wanna fit in? How do I want to liberate myself from my old habits and behaviors? What do you wanna change, right? Aquarius is about change, so the energy of Aquarius will help with that. The Sun goes into Pisces on February 18. Pisces energy is like I got to go up into my tree house and dream a little bit, and maybe break out my coloring books, and I'll come down out of my tree house when I'm ready. Mercury also goes into Pisces on february twenty third. Mercury is the mind, mercury is how we think. Pisces will allow that imagination. So what stories can we bring in how we relate to people? I know there's entrepreneurs out there who are teaching others how to tell their story. So mercury in Pisces is "how do I want to tell my story?". We're so caught up in living in the left brain, all the logical the practical. So let's take advantage of this period of mercury and Pisces from February twenty-third until March ninth. Mercury moves very quickly so it's only a couple of weeks or so. That two weeks there at the end of February through the beginning of March, take that time with mercury and Pisces to see what you can imagine. The next day from February twenty-third when mercury goes into pieces, the full moon will be in Virgo on February twenty-fourth. Virgo is an earth sign, so that full moon likes to expand. Virgo might bring about a little bit of anxiety because it's like things aren't perfect. Oh, I gotta do things, I gotta organize, I gotta clean, I gotta blah, blah, blah, the list goes on. Discernment between dreaming in what you want and imagining what you want and bringing that into reality is important for the full moon in Virgo. So this is where it's about learning to be easy on yourself, but also discernment about what's real and what's not real and what you can bring into reality. Astrology Forecast for March 2024 March 9 Mercury goes into Aries. So March 9 you'll come out of your tree house, back down, and hop on your skateboard and you're off and running. Mercury in Aries is all about let's go, let's go! March 9 Mercury enters Aries and then on March 10 the new moon goes into Pisces and the sun is in Pisces as well and we're back into our tree house trying to figure things out again, what happened, how come I'm so confused? Pisces can also brings us a little bit of confusion. Pisces is asking you to accept where you're at, go with the flow, and surrender to what is. You do that and all of a sudden things make sense. It's hard to describe but that's how that works. March nine ten through eleventh are a few days to be aware of with your emotional self and you might feel like you're I'm not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing. Then, on March 19, we come to the spring equinox. March 19 the sun goes into Aries, so as we talked about a little bit earlier, that's at zero degrees of Aries, which is actually the new year to do your resolutions when, when the bear comes out of its hibernation, right? I invite you to try doing a resolution on March 19 versus on January 1 and see if you don't notice a difference with the motivation to keep it going for more than two or three weeks. If you want to learn more about astrology, you can sign up for Joann's astrology classes here. She offers Level 1 classes for beginners on Tuesdays from January 9 to April 23, 2024 (16 wks) from 6:00 – 7:30 pm MST and Level 2 Basic Foundations classes on Mondays from January 8 to April 23, 2024 (16 wks) from 6:00 – 7:30 pm MST. Want to be part of a community of practitioners where you can gain support and insight through growing your practice? Join The Profitable Practitioner private community here. More of a listener? Check out the podcast on Apple and Spotify.

  • Using Astrology and Colors in Business

    In this conversation, I chatted with Laura Ordile about how she uses astrology and color coaching to help aid other entrepreneurs in their businesses. Laura is a certified NLP practitioner and master hypnotist, as well as a professional intuitive and astrologer. She uses that unique combination of skills to help you tap into the success of big changes you want in your life quickly and easily, and you get to hold onto your sanity and soul as you go! As a Mindset Mentor, she knows that when you change your mind, you’ll change your life. And she does that with a mix of the practical and the woo in a way that is designed specifically for you! She lives in Montana with her family where she enjoys the sadly short, but amazingly beautiful summers and watches as much Star Trek as possible to make it through the winters. Tune in to hear about Laura's journey into starting her business and how she helps clients today. Along with how astrology and your birth chart help to shape your life path, career, strengths, and weaknesses. And how you can use colors to support both you and your business. You can find links to listen to the podcast on both Apple and Spotify here If you are interested in learning more about how each color can support you, check out Laura’s free color energy guide And make sure to join our private business support community for health and wellness entrepreneurs here.

  • Astrological Business Forecast for September 2023

    Am I the only one that loves using astrology in my business?! It seriously makes such a big impact knowing what energies are coming my way and how I can work with them instead of against them. Knowing when to put my head down and do the work and when to step into my creative, flowing side makes my work in my business that much more efficient. In this new monthly episode of The Profitable Practitioner Podcast, Joann Stoneberg dives into what is going on in the stars for the month of September 2023 and how those energies might affect you and your business. September 2023 starts off a bit slower, asking us to take a moment to pause and prepare for the energies that lay ahead further in the month. A new moon in Virgo on Sept. 14 asks us to manifest the structures, discipline, and organization that we want in our work and careers. The first quarter moon, the sun entering Libra and the autumn equinox all fall on September 22 giving us the energy of 'keep going you got this' while also pushing us to build new relationships and connections in our life and business. A full moon in Aries lands on the 29th, giving us a surge of energy to move forward and accomplish the goals that we have set out for in our business. Get the full breakdown and all the details for the month ahead inside the episode. Listen on Spotify, Apple, or Youtube! If you are ready to learn more about astrology, you can⁠ join Joann inside of her online astrology class here ⁠ If you are ready to join a community of like-minded health and wellness practitioners for business support and collaboration, ⁠join us inside of the private Profitable Practitioner Community here!

  • Astrological Business Forecast for October 2023

    Here is your October 2023 Astrological Forecast from JoAnn Stoneberg with As The Planets Turn: Oct 4 - Mercury, the planet of communication, goes into Libra, the social sign. This helps soften communication a bit and could potentially be a challenge emotionally. This could also be a day to look out for miscommunication and misunderstandings. Oct 8 - Venus, the planet of love, goes into Virgo. This can bring in some self-criticism and insecurity. This is a great time to get your ducks in a row and be aware of any emerging imposter syndrome that may creep in. Oct 10 - Pluto, the planet of emotional transformation, goes direct. With some planets still retrograde and others going direct, it can feel like you want to move forward but tend to be held back in a way. October, November, and December are our prepping phase. Now is the time to put in the work so you are ready to launch and move forward at the start of the new year. Oct 11 - Mars, the planet of action, goes into Scorpio. This gives us more of an instinctual nature to just go for it! Now is the time to step into your sense of self and stability. Oct 14 - New moon and solar eclipse in the sign of Libra bring us the energy of social graces and relationships. Some questions to ask yourself at this time are: How do you want to perceive yourself moving forward? Are we being too dependent on others for our business? Are we doing our own work? How are we collaborating with others? What is it that we need to receive to move forward with our businesses and with ourselves? What do I need to clear to allow new things to move in? Oct 22 - Mercury goes into Scorpio, which means we need to watch our words and think before we speak to avoid blunt conversations. This is also a time to analyze all the details of any contracts you may be signing so you know exactly what you may be committing to. Oct 23 - Sun goes into Scorpio. This is a time to look at our fears and vulnerabilities, tap into our own resources, and ask for help from others when needed. Oct. 28 - Full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus. You may notice that 3 to 4 days before the full moon, there is a build-up of energy. We might feel like withdrawing and staying stuck where we are at this time. This is a time to let go of old habits and behaviors and allow new habits and behaviors to move in. Ask yourself: How do I need to change how I’m thinking and behaving so I can better myself to move forward? Oct. 31 - On Halloween, we have a sun and Mars conjunction in Scorpio. This is a sharp explosive energy to watch out for with our words, thoughts, and actions. Watch the full episode here: To wrap it up, the beginning of the month is going to be a little rocky, our perceptions may be a little disillusioned and we need to be careful of our conversations with others. Towards the end of the month, it’s time to come back to understanding your own self-worth and value and what you bring to the table for others. Remember these next few months are a time to keep working and putting in the hours. This is a time to build your life and your business behind the scenes so you are ready to bring your offerings into the world once the opening energies of January and February are upon us. Ready for more astrology guidance in your business? JoAnn is also a teacher of Astrology and has a 10-week course – Oct 10 to Dec 12, 2023, for those who already have a good understanding of the planets, signs, houses, and five aspects. Go to for more info and to register. Just starting into Astrology? Level 1 class begins again on January 16, 2023, from 6:30 to 8 pm MST Want more business support and collaboration opportunities? Join the Private 'Profitable Practitioner' Community Here

  • How to make full-time money on part-time hours

    Have you ever wanted to make full-time money on part-time hours but felt like it was just an unrealistic dream? Here's the thing... The difference between someone who achieves this and someone who doesn't is all about whether or not they BELIEVE that they CAN! When it comes to shifting your mindset and deconstructing limiting belief patterns, you need to ask yourself these 3 things: According to who? You need to break down the beliefs surrounding the idea of needing to work constantly to earn a living. If you hear the words should or shouldn’t come out of your mouth you should be asking yourself “according to who?” Who did that benefit? Did that belief come from someone that it benefited? Be critical, realize that just because something works for someone else doesn’t mean it will work for you. WHAT DO I WANT?! What do YOU want? Not what your family or society wants. Get clear on what it is that YOU want from your business and your life and then chase that thing like crazy. “Because that’s what I wanted & was speaking it from the beginning, I make full-time money on part-time hours." -Marie Elam This is just what we are chatting about in the latest episode of The Profitable Practitioner! Marie Elam, a trauma-informed coach, is helping you break down limiting beliefs so you can achieve exactly what you want in your life and business >>Listen on Apple >>Listen on Spotify >>Watch on Youtube Give it a listen and if you like it, would you mind leaving a rating and review? I hope you love it! I have so many amazing interviews in the pipeline that I'm excited to share with you all.

  • Slowing Down to Create an Aligned Business

    Have you ever felt as though there is a constant to-do list in your business? And the more you hustle, the more value you have? Well, the truth is, that's an old-school way of thinking... When we actually prioritize taking the time to slow down in our business and embrace not just the masculine energies but also the feminine ones as well, we are able to tap into our creative abilities. Because to create the business of your dreams, you need both. You need to first dream up the brilliant and unique ideas before you can execute them! This was one of the many pieces of the beautiful conversation I had with Heather from Enchantment Creek Herbs today on the Podcast. Heather is an herbalist with an amazing line of wild-crafted herbs. Her herbal medicine is truly one of the best out there and I would recommend giving it a try for you and your clients! Our conversation flowed easily and naturally. It was refreshing to feel so in sync with someone while talking about all things business, health, wellness, and spirituality. Catch this episode today on Spotify, Apple or Youtube. And please make sure to subscribe and leave a rating and review ❤ P.S. If you are ready for support and collaboration throughout the journey of building and scaling your practice, make sure to join me and other health and wellness practitioners inside of our private FB community, The Profitable Practice

  • The best morning routine for the most productive day

    Before I established my morning routine, I struggled hard with a lack of efficiency throughout my workday, ultimately turning me into a bundle of stress by the end of the day (hello jaw clenching). Mornings looked like me immediately sitting down to my computer screen (Breakfast? Shower? Who needs em?) Or procrastinating by distracting myself with mundane tasks and feeling heaps behind by the time I finally go to work. Here’s the thing, I know everyone talks about morning routines and routines in general. But it’s for good reason! Because if you don’t prioritize self-care and routines that fill up your cup, you will only be pouring from a cup half full and your work and productivity will reflect that. This realization is what completely transformed the way I feel about my business and the way I am able to show up for it 100% day after day. And this isn’t just my experience, it’s also deeply impacted so many of my clients and is a topic I get asked about frequently. And because you’re here, I know you’re interested. So let’s dive into this kick-ass morning routine! ⏰6:30 Wake Up Timing has everything to do with your personal preferences and goals for the day. For me, I’m a morning person. Nothing makes me feel quite as alive as an early morning with a day full of potential and a warm mug of coffee. I also find the time of year can affect this timing. When the sun comes up earlier in the summer I sometimes find myself up before the 6 o’clock hour. However, winters sometimes have me sleeping in a bit longer than usual. I really strive to wake up before or without an alarm wherever possible but this also requires an early bedtime and sticking to my schedule consistently. One late weekend night and everything seems to go out the door. When an alarm is essential, I try to wake up to something less jarring like some happy music, and try to bounce out of bed as quickly as possible. I find the longer I lay in bed, the harder it is to get up and the less energy I have moving forward. 🌊6:45 Hydrate As an entrepreneur in the health and wellness space, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you about the importance of hydration. Personally, I’m obsessed. The start of each morning involves at least 16 ounces of water with LMNT electrolytes (if you haven’t tried these yet I highly recommend!), followed by about 2 ounces of aloe vera juice on an empty stomach for some tummy love ♥️ 🍳7:00 Nourish For me, there are 3 things that will surely ruin my day: dehydration, imbalanced blood sugar, and diving into my computer screen and artificial light first thing in the morning. You’ll see that my morning routine ensures balance in all 3 of these areas. Breakfast for me, always involves a heavy focus on protein and some healthy fats to really set my blood sugar up for success for the day. When my blood sugar is stable, my focus and productivity follow suit. Some of my favorites include a beat and berry smoothie with beef isolate protein powder, coconut milk, and 2 raw eggs or some sausages and veggies. While eating, I make my morning coffee. 🌞7:30 Sunshine and Movement This addition to my morning routine has been incredibly impactful to my energy and anxiety levels. After breakfast, I grab my coffee and my two dogs and head out of the house to move my body and get some sun on my face. In the summer and warmer months, this movement is a hike up the trail behind our house. It’s less than two miles but has a bit of elevation gain. Just the perfect intensity to get my heart rate up a bit but still enjoy the nature around me. Winter looks a little different, usually a morning walk coupled with a bit of strength training or a quick cross-country ski. And sometimes the time has to be modified to a bit later for those late winter sunrises. 🚿8:10 Clean Up Next, it’s time to shower and get ready for the day! Or at least I try lol. Some mornings I still skip the shower or opt for a bath later on. A messy bun and sweats just hit the spot some days as an entrepreneur. But I will say I always feel so much better about myself and my productivity on the days I take the time to prioritize getting ready. 📅8:30 Schedule and Reflection Before jumping into my day, I take the time to write down my to-do list and reflect on my calendar. I choose 3-5 things from the list that are top priority for the day and schedule out times to complete each of those tasks. After reflecting on my schedule, I like to include some form of reflection and gratitude practice to get my mind right for the day. For me, this includes a tarot card pull and some reflection on how far I’ve come and the things I need to do to reach my goals and continue to create the business of my dreams. 💻8:45 Get the Day Rolling Now it’s time to dive into the day and start knocking off to-do’s! Alright friend, now that you’ve stalked my morning routine, you can stalk the rest of my day by following me on IG. I’ll take you BTS of my workday and the fun outdoor adventures that you can find me on in my free time!

  • From Brick-and-Mortar to Online Course Creation

    In this conversation, I sat down with my current client, former boss, and friend, Jennifer Nelson-Hawks of Jennifer Hawks Health. Jennifer is a dedicated advocate of natural medicine and holistic health and wellness. Jennifer's passion for helping others started at a young age when she saw firsthand the power of natural medicine. After spending the first decade of her career in traditional medicine, Jennifer became disheartened by the band-aid approach to symptom management and began her journey to holistic health and wellness. With years of education and experience, she is now a Board-Certified Doctor of Naturopathy, a Bio-Resonance Practitioner, an Iridologist, and an IASIS Practitioner. In 2013, she founded a full functional Holistic Wellness center, and now solely focuses her full attention on Jennifer Hawks Health, where she provides a safe space for women, in person or virtually, to take back their health naturally and uncover the root cause of their health issues. Jennifer is committed to helping women achieve a healthier, happier version of themselves by living through the power of their own health. We chatted all about her journey through entrepreneurship. How she started her brick-and-mortar wellness center in Jackson, Wyoming, and the journey of then selling that business and moving to online course creation for her new business, Jennifer Hawks Health. Currently, Jen and I are creating her new 9-week signature program 'The Revitalized Gut' which will officially begin on September 25, 2023. This online program helps motivated women to kick digestion, weight, and energy imbalances so they can get back to living life at its fullest. Check out the podcast here or watch it on Youtube. And make sure to join our private business support community for health and wellness entrepreneurs here.

  • 5 free ways to validate your course topic

    When it comes to creating an online course, it's important to know that your topic is something that people are interested in and would be willing to pay for. There are lots of different ways to do this, one of which is building a course around something that you already help one-on-one clients with. But what if you want to create a course around a topic that you aren't working with one-on-one clients with? How do you know it is a profitable idea? Here are 5 free ways to validate your course topic: #1 - Use Google One way to validate your topic is to search for it on Google. Type into the search bar what your ideal client might be searching for related to your niche pain points and goals. Then, and this is important, take note of the search terms that populate as you are typing in the search bar. This will give you insight into the exact topics and language your ideal clients is using when they are searching the internet for solutions. This can be incredibly helpful because not only are you validating whether people out there are looking for solutions related to your niche. But you also are gaining insight into your ideal client's language which will be gold when it comes to creating your sales page and marketing materials. #2 - People Also Ask When you make your Google search, take the time to scroll down to the section where it says 'people also ask'. This information will help add even more insight into needs, wants, and language related to your course topic. #3 - Facebook Groups Now that you have your ideal client's language, you can search for Facebook Groups where they may be hanging out related to your idea. Look for groups of over 5,000 people. Search through and see what they are posting about and looking for help with related to your niche. #4 - Search for Books on Amazon Another great way to validate your idea and get feedback on what to include in your course is to search for books related to your course topic. When you search for your topic, you are looking for there to be quite a few books relating to the subject. This shows that there is a genuine interest. Another important piece here is to look through the reviews of each book. See what people loved and what they thought was missing. This will give you insight into what you should include in your actual course content. #5 - Take Your Ideal Client to Coffee What's better than to hear it directly from the source? Choose someone who fits the criteria for your ideal client and ask if you can take them to coffee and ask them a few questions relating to a course you want to create. Ask them if the topic is something they would be interested in, what pain points and desires they have relating to it, and any other questions you may need to ask relating to your idea. Make sure to take careful notes of their exact language. As I mentioned before, using your ideal client's exact language will make marketing so much more effective by speaking directly to them and helping them to understand that your product is the solution for them. Looking for more guidance on creating an online course? Grab my free 'Ultimate Guide to Creating a Profitable Online Coaching Course' here. And if you want even further guidance on turning your expertise into a profitable online course, check out how we can help you with our done-for-you and done-with-you course creation services. PSSSTTT.... Hey friend! If you're a health and wellness entrepreneur make sure to check out my podcast 'The Profitable Practitioner' and the private community for tons of helpful business tips, support, and collaboration.

  • The 6 Steps to Take Before Running Ads to Grow Your Email List

    As an online course creator, growing your email list is essential for a successful course launch. And while running ads can be an effective way to attract new subscribers, it's important to have the right systems in place before you start spending money on advertising. In this blog post, we'll explore the 6 steps to take before running ads to grow your email list: 1 - Get Clear on your Target Audience that You Want to Run Your Email List Ads to The first system you need to have in place is a clear understanding of your target audience. Having a clear understanding of your target audience is crucial for any marketing campaign, and it's especially important when running ads to grow your email list for a course launch. Knowing your target audience means you understand their needs, desires, and pain points, and you can tailor your messaging to speak directly to them. To identify your target audience, you'll need to conduct research and gather data on your potential customers. Start by creating customer personas, which are detailed profiles of your ideal customers. You can use data from your existing customer base, surveys, and market research to create these personas. Once you have your personas in place, you can use them to guide your ad targeting. For example, if you're targeting busy moms who want to start a side hustle, you can create ads that speak directly to their desire for flexibility and work-life balance. You can also use your personas to create more targeted ads on social media platforms like Facebook, which allow you to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Knowing your target audience is also important for creating effective lead magnets and email nurture sequences. By understanding their pain points and motivations, you can create lead magnets that provide value and address their specific needs. And when crafting your email nurture sequence, you can provide educational content that resonates with your audience and builds trust. 2 - Create an Irresistible Lead Magnet Before Running Ads to Grow Your Email List An irresistible lead magnet is an essential component of any successful email list growth strategy. It is a valuable resource that you offer to your target audience in exchange for their email address. It is essential that your lead magnet is relevant to your course topic and appeals to your target audience's pain points and interests. When creating your lead magnet, you should focus on providing quick wins for your subscribers. This means that your lead magnet should provide actionable tips, tools, or resources that your audience can use to achieve a small win or solve a specific problem. By providing quick wins, you build trust and credibility with your subscribers, which can lead to higher conversion rates and a more engaged email list. Your lead magnet can take many forms, such as a free guide, checklist, webinar, e-book, or any other resource that your audience would find valuable. It is essential to make your lead magnet visually appealing and easy to consume. You can use images, graphics, and videos to make it more engaging and memorable. It's important to note that your lead magnet should give your subscribers a taste of what they can expect from your course. Your lead magnet should not give away everything in your course but should provide enough value to make your audience eager to learn more. This way, your lead magnet can help to pre-sell your course and generate interest in your product. 3 - Create a Landing Page A landing page is a crucial element in the process of converting website visitors into email subscribers. It is a standalone page that is designed to encourage a visitor to take a specific action, such as providing their email address in exchange for your lead magnet. The main goal of a landing page is to convert visitors into subscribers by presenting them with a compelling offer and a clear call-to-action. The offer should be directly related to your lead magnet and should provide value to your visitors. The headline should be attention-grabbing and should clearly communicate the benefit of your offer. The copy should be persuasive and should address your visitor's pain points and offer a solution to their problem. In addition, your landing page should be optimized for conversions. This means that it should be designed with a clear and focused layout, minimal distractions, and a clear path to your lead magnet. Avoid including navigation links, social media icons, or other elements that could take the visitor's attention away from the goal of the page. A strong call-to-action (CTA) is also essential for converting visitors into subscribers. The CTA should be clear, prominent, and communicate the value of your offer. It should also be repeated multiple times on the page, so that visitors are reminded of the action you want them to take. Finally, it's important to test your landing page to ensure that it's optimized for conversions. This can involve testing different headlines, copy, and calls-to-action to see which elements are most effective in encouraging visitors to subscribe. By continuously refining and improving your landing page, you can increase your conversion rate and grow your email list with greater success. 4 - Find an Email Service Provider An email service provider (ESP) is a crucial tool for managing your email list and communicating with your subscribers. There are many ESPs available, each with different features and pricing options. When selecting an ESP, it's important to choose one that aligns with your business needs and budget. Some of the key features to look for in an ESP include the ability to create and manage email lists, create and send email campaigns, segment your subscribers based on specific criteria, track email open and click-through rates, and automate email sequences. As someone who has used multiple email service providers and funnel builders in the past, Kartra has become my personal favorite for a number of reasons. Firstly, Kartra offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, even for beginners. You don't need any technical skills to create beautiful landing pages and sales funnels that convert visitors into customers. Kartra provides you with all the necessary tools, including drag-and-drop page builders, customizable templates, and seamless integrations with other popular tools like Zapier, PayPal, and Stripe. Secondly, Kartra offers advanced automation capabilities that allow you to create complex campaigns that nurture your leads and convert them into customers. You can set up automated email sequences, create personalized messaging, and track your results with detailed analytics. You can also use Kartra's powerful tagging system to segment your audience based on their behavior, interests, and demographics. Finally, you can actually host your course through Kartra. I’ve really found Kartra to be a game changer in my business! Rather than having a million different subscriptions to the assets I need in my business, everything is all in one place talking back and forth to one another and giving me the data I need to move my business forward in hugely impactful ways. If you're looking for an all-in-one marketing platform that can help you grow your email list, host your course, and create high-converting sales funnels, I highly recommend Kartra. And bonus, you can join Kartra today with this 14-day free trial. 5 - Create an Email Nurture Sequence An email nurture sequence is an essential part of your email marketing strategy. It allows you to continue building a relationship with your new subscribers and guide them towards purchasing your course. When someone signs up for your lead magnet, they're showing an interest in your course topic, but they may not be ready to make a purchase yet. That's where your nurture sequence comes in. Your nurture sequence should be a series of automated emails that are triggered when someone signs up for your lead magnet. The number of emails in your sequence can vary depending on your course and audience, but generally, it should be at least 5-7 emails long. Your sequence should provide value to your subscribers and help establish you as an authority in your course topic. This could be through educational content such as blog posts, videos, or podcasts, or by sharing personal stories and insights. It's important to note that while your nurture sequence should be providing value to your subscribers, it should also have a clear goal of promoting your course. Your emails should include calls-to-action that encourage your subscribers to learn more about your course, such as links to your sales page or information about upcoming webinars or workshops. One of the benefits of using an email nurture sequence is that it's automated, meaning once you set it up, you don't have to manually send each email. This saves you time and allows you to focus on other aspects of your course creation and marketing. 6 - Follow a Tracking System A tracking system is essential for measuring the success of your ad campaigns. You need to know how many people are clicking on your ads, how many are converting to subscribers, and how much you're spending on advertising. This is another reason I love using Kartra. It offers seamless integration with Facebook ads, allowing you to easily track your ad performance and ROI within the platform. Kartra's advanced analytics and reporting tools provide you with real-time data on your ad campaigns, including impressions, clicks, and conversions. You can also track the cost per click (CPC) and cost per acquisition (CPA) of each ad, allowing you to optimize your ad spend and maximize your ROI. Kartra also allows you to track the success of your email campaigns, giving you a complete picture of your marketing funnel. You can see how many subscribers are opening and clicking your emails, and track the conversion rate of each email in your nurture sequence. This allows you to identify which emails are performing well and which ones need improvement, so you can continually refine your email marketing strategy. Overall, Kartra's comprehensive tracking and reporting features make it easy to measure the success of your marketing campaigns, both on and off the platform. If you're looking for an all-in-one marketing solution that can help you streamline your marketing efforts and optimize your ROI, Kartra is an excellent choice. You can once again grab that free 14-day trial here Running ads to grow your email list can be a powerful strategy for online course creators. But before you start spending money on advertising, it's important to have the right systems in place. By understanding your target audience, creating an irresistible lead magnet and landing page, using an email service provider, creating an email nurture sequence, and setting up a tracking system, you can increase the effectiveness of your ad campaigns and grow your email list with confidence. If you're ready to scale your services and create passive income, make sure to grab 'The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Profitable Online Course' to get start using your expertise to make more impact, income and freedom! In this guide, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to get started with an online course that aligns with your values and helps you scale your business while also helping you to gain back your time and freedom. With this resource, you'll be well on your way to creating passive income streams and achieving your entrepreneurial goals. So don't wait - click here to grab your free guide today! More of a listener than a reader? Listen to this topic along with other weekly business drops on my podcast 'The Profitable Practitioner'

  • The Hierarchy of Content Creation

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the content you need to produce for your business? The blog posts, Instagram posts, podcast, freebies, newsletters, and on and on and on. Trust me I know, it can feel like your ship is sinking and rather than continuing to paddle it can be tempting to just jump overboard (aka do no content creation at all!). This is one of the most common mistakes I see with my clients and I would be lying if I haven’t been guilty of this as well. Content creation is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. Creating content that resonates with your audience, engages them, and drives traffic to your website is crucial to the success of your business. However, not all content is created equal. Some pieces of content are more important than others, and it's essential to prioritize them accordingly. This is why I believe it is so important to understand the hierarchy of content creation. One of the best ways to do so is through visualizing a triangle split into 3 sections. At the top lives our high priority content. This is our non-negotiable, must be completed each week, kind of content. It takes up the least amount of space in the content bucket and is higher production content and can tend to seem more intimidating but bear with me because if you do this right it will lay down the foundation for success not only in content creation but in your business as a whole. In the center of the triangle is our second most important layer of content which can be repurposed from the top tier content and the bottom of the triangle is the least important content but makes up the majority of the content bucket. At the top of the triangle are high production, evergreen content pieces. These can include things such as blogs, podcasts, or YouTube videos. These pieces of content should be highly prioritized and scheduled for once a week. They are the cornerstone of your content strategy and are designed to provide value to your audience for an extended period. These types of content require a significant investment of time and resources, but the payoff can be enormous. These pieces of content are definitely a long game strategy but can help pull in clients and sells for years to come. They can also help make the rest of your content creation so much easier because these pieces of content can piggyback off of or be repurposed from this main piece. When it comes to this top tier, I have to say Blogs are king. Blogs are an excellent way to establish thought leadership, provide value to your audience, boost SEO and drive traffic to your website. It is best to start with one piece of this top tier content and once you feel like you have a good handle on it then you can start adding other pieces. So start with a blog and then from there add on a Podcasts or maybe a YouTube channel, both of which cover the exact same topic as the blog. The great thing about adding these additional platforms is they allow you to showcase your personality, share insights, and build relationships with your listeners. The most important thing to remember here is to focus in on one platform here to begin (I recommend a blog) and really pack the value. Then once you get into a good flow with this one piece then you can start adding on other platforms. But not until you feel confident and in flow with this first piece. More important than being on all the platforms is consistency. Okay great so we understand the format of the top tier the content hierarchy. But how do you come up with the topics for these posts and episodes? What you need to do is come up with about 6 content pillars that address chief concerns that would keep someone from buying from you. What are their chief concerns or limiting beliefs relating to your offer(s)? This is helping to knock down walls that would keep your ideal client from working with you. So really take the time to get inside your ideal client's head. To do that, consider these questions: What are the common reasons your ideal client gives for not needing your services? For example, if you offer a fitness program, some may say they don't have enough time to exercise regularly. What myths or misconceptions has your ideal client bought into that may be holding them back from considering your offer? For instance, some may believe that weightlifting will make them bulky instead of lean. What have they tried in the past that didn't work for them? For example, if you offer a weight loss program, some may have tried fad diets that didn't yield lasting results. What information does your ideal client need to know to understand that they would be a great fit for your offer? For instance, if you offer a productivity tool, they may need to know how it can save them time and increase their efficiency. What misconceptions can you address and break through your marketing messaging? For example, if you offer a service that involves virtual consultations, some may believe that it's not as effective as in-person meetings. You can clarify how it works just as well, and may even be more convenient for the client. Once you’ve brainstormed these pieces that are holding them back write out these 6 main bullet points and use this as your compass when it comes to planning out your top tier content. How can you get creative and write / talk about something that is interesting to your client that also knocks down these limiting beliefs. Start by thinking with the end in mind. What is the main purpose of this piece of content, what call to action will you want to include. What lead magnet could be included with this piece of content? Up next is the middle of the triangle. This is where the second most important pieces of content live. These are repurposed pieces of content and include content such as newsletters, smaller blog posts, Instagram series, or portfolio work. These pieces of content are slightly more frequent than the once-a-week top-of-triangle content pieces. They are designed to provide value to your audience while also helping you repurpose and extend the reach of your high production content. Newsletters are an excellent way to keep your audience up-to-date on your latest content, promotions, and events. They can also be used to provide exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes insights or special offers. Smaller blog posts can be repurposed from your high production content, providing a quick and easy way to create fresh content. Instagram series, such as a week-long photo challenge, can be used to engage your audience and build excitement around your brand. Finally, portfolio work, such as case studies or client success stories, can be used to demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your audience. At the bottom of the triangle is where the least important content lives. This content can be repurposed from the top-tier content or be random and slightly off-topic. This can include reels, lifestyle content such as behind-the-scenes or a day in the life of, and personality-based Instagram posts or stories. This content helps show your personality, how you show up on a day-to-day basis and build connections. This content is the most frequent content throughout the week. In conclusion, the hierarchy of content creation is a powerful tool that can help you prioritize your content creation efforts and create a balanced content strategy. By focusing on high production, evergreen content at the top of the triangle that is built on 6 content pillars that break down your I.C.'s limiting beliefs around working with you and then repurposing content in the middle, and less important content at the bottom that is slightly off-topic and displays your personality, you can ensure that your content provides value to your audience, drives traffic to your website and offers, and builds your brand's personality and identity. If you're ready to scale your services and create passive income, make sure to grab 'The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Profitable Online Course' to get start using your expertise to make more impact, income and freedom! In this guide, you'll find step-by-step instructions on how to get started with an online course that aligns with your values and helps you scale your business while also helping you to gain back your time and freedom. With this resource, you'll be well on your way to creating passive income streams and achieving your entrepreneurial goals. So don't wait - click here to grab your free guide today! More of a listener than a reader? Listen to this topic along with other weekly business drops on my podcast 'The Profitable Practitioner'.

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